Monday, April 9, 2007

Top 10 Things We Hate About Ranjit Fernando Commentaries (updated)

  1. "losinjaraya". Always speaks as if he's got something in his mouth.
  2. Feels like he has a colonial chip carried around by some Sri Lankans of his generation
  3. Only one vocal pitch, and doesn't change it when speaking.
  4. Never the first person to speak.
  5. Plagiarism. Simply say the exact same thing, use different words. More words. More adjectives.
  6. A small collection of pet-words: (one, indiscretion, juicy fulltoss, etc)
    Eg: "One has to see.... One has to consider... One has to start attacking"
  7. Always speaks in the third-person.
  8. Needs to wait for the replay to realize what happenned.
  9. Stating the obvious. "Oh look at him... Sangakkara blah blah"
    Duh! why do you think I was WATCHING the TV???
  10. Sucking up to the suddas.


machang said...

I respect your right to free speech, but this is just ridiculous. It's not even funny. "Ranjeet" is the man, and you can go die.

Good bye.

Aroshan said...

seems TO emphasize EVERY other WORD no MATTER what IS being DISCUSSED

RanjithFernandoSucks said...

I think what's ridiculous is the fact that Ranjit Fernando is still on air.

Please see the First Things First posting for reasons behind this blog.

Anonymous said...

When the going is good for sri lanka cricket, it is indeed a delight to listen to great commentators such as Tony, Sunil, Boycott, Sanjay and so on. Alas the same cannot be said about our own man. It is not only bad mouthing or 'katawaha' but unfortunately more than that. If only the likes of Ranjan, Ranil, or Roshan were there, we can indeed rest assured that the Lion Flag Will Fly High.

Anonymous said...

Being a Lankan Cricket Fan with the team's best interests at heart, I of course am disgusted at the way things are happening at present.

When there are so many Sri Lankans conversant in english, it is disgusting to stand by and watch one man stand alone and bringing unluck to our team and face blindly to the immediate fact that that we have ignored this circumstances this far.

Let him be more enlightened about the potential and capabilities of his own countrymen and let god have mercy on his soul for the sins he has entangled himself with and let fair play prevail.

Anonymous said...

Being a Lankan Cricket Fan with the team's best interests at heart, I of course am disgusted at the way things are happening at present.

When there are so many Sri Lankans conversant in english, it is disgusting to stand by and watch one man stand alone and bringing unluck to our team and face blindly to the immediate fact that that we have ignored this circumstances this far.

Let him be more enlightened about the potential and capabilities of his own countrymen and let god have mercy on his soul for the sins he has entangled himself with and let fair play prevail.

Anonymous said...

Who is Ranjit Fernando?

Shamzzz said...

I do agree with all, this guy irritates...and the sad part for Sri lanka cricket is that when ever this guy comes on air WE HAVE LOST WICKETS AND THE WORST PART IS "IF THE DAY(MATCH) BEGINS WITH RANJITH F. ON AIR WE HAVE ALWAYS BEING ON THE LOOSING SIDE" !!!!!!! this guy is a bad OMEN for Sri Lanka Cricket !
This Scenario has been in notice by all my friends since 1996.

Anonymous said...

What gives this guy the authority to be a good commentator? Look at his stats, only 3 ODI's ever. Hardly any real world cricketing experience. Who made him commentator anyway?

Genesis said...

You are absolutely correct!
Every time this Sudda Suck fellow open his bad mouth, he brings jinx to the team. Its obvious and I have experienced it.

chathuranga said...

DUDE! this shit abt ranjith is so damn true sometines i wanna samck em and ask him to leave da commentry box!!!! he is so freakin anoyin man!!!

Navanga said...

Ranjith f is a complete moron, but get real, aswaha, katawaha is ABSOLUTELY bull shit. If not wo0uldnt the LTTE have been completely eliminated by now? with respect, please wise up....

Anonymous said...

True Ranjith fernando is a boring commentator, states the obvious, and invariable after many words spoken has made no sense. But this web site is disgraceful, you guys keep insulting a fellow SLn, why dont you for f' sake send your emails directly to his with your suggestions.

Ranjith, your comments need to add value, not words. Listen to Tony Greig and Ian Chappel. Speak less and add mroe value by talking good cricket sense, display your good cricketing brain, its alright to critiicse if you believe in it. Less is more.

Anonymous said...

Well, how come criticising someone just because he's Sri Lankan, bad? If that's the case that no one can criticise anyone because everyone is a citizen of at least one country, right?

People who are in the public are by default open to criticism publicly.

Ranjit is doing the same to the cricketers, and is earning money in the process.

Anonymous said...

Ranjit is a SORT OF a fellow that irritates to hear specially if you are a Sri Lankan,

The worst thing I heard from him was when he said "A Tie would have been a more fitting finish" When Sri Lanka won against England by 2 runs.

Anonymous said...

I think Ranjith has got hold of people concerned for him to stay in the panel and no one else can even come close to replace him and thats why he still exists and how much ever we tried he still survives. When all these commentators comes to Colombo he make sure he entertains well and host a dinner at his place (do not know what else he provides) and also in other countries people likes blokes like Ranjith as when a umpire makes a mistake he takes umpires side and never tell that a its a bad decision instead he say batsman might be bit unlucky (where as people like Ian botham will not be afraid to say its a shocker etc) and rajith wants to be the nice guy in the expense of our cricketers. he is paid well, given 1st class air tickets (not even our crickets gets these benefits) , stay in best of hotels and he can afford to have a 7 series BMW as well. what a shame.

Anonymous said...

Out of a population of 20 mil i think at least 10 mil follow Sri lanka's cricket regularly..out of them at least 2 million probably comprehend good commentary...8585 is not a proper number...more people need to be reading this blog...take it to the masses...i beg of you...
has anyone treid to write to nimbus,taj,world sports etc.
please tell me someone tried

Anonymous said...

What people say is true. I feel so sad when he start to comment. He talks like he knows what is going to happen next. Poor him, we should all beg him not to commentate on any match played against Sri lanka. He can commentate for any other match if he want.

Anonymous said...

LBO has done an article about your site. It says blogs all over the world are criticizing ranjith

bharath_enigma said...

The Hindu has posted an article related to this blog on RF. Thats what prompted me to check your blog. Think RF will be "blogged" out of commentating...

Unknown said...

It is difficult to imagine, what his co-commentator may be thinking, when Ranjit is speaking....

Anonymous said...

For all those in here who are defending Ranjith and calling this website a disgrace, let me ask you what are you doing on this site in the 1st place?...

ONE WOULD AGREE that tv commentary plays a huge part in cricket. People like the channel 9 team from australia (Tony, Bill and Richie) are legends.. they adds so much interest to the game

one thing they do is not to repeat the obvious we see on the screen.. One must imagin Ranjith would make a better radio commentator than a tv commentator jst for this fact...